Meditations on Food and Time ♨️

Is not an online exhibition, but rather a collection of images, thoughts, ideas, recipes, videos and references gathered in collaboration with people whose work, practice and vision- I share, love or admire. Enjoy.

Haute Food- A Watched Pot Never Boils

Haute Food- A Watched Pot Never Boils

Haute Food- A Watched Pot Never Boils

Haute Food is an independent blog and zine that pays tribute to food and its place in our collective imagery. Through its research, it explores how photography, cinema, literature, music, advertising and fashion see and communicate with food.

Each issue of Haute Food is dedicated to a specific theme and features both research material and original artwork by invited artists. This issue was specially created for the project.

Haute Food was founded in 2010 and is curated with love by Mara Corsino together with selected collaborators and contributors.

Haute Food es un blog y fanzine independiente que rinde tributo a la comida y su lugar en el imaginario colectivo. A través de sus investigaciones, explora la forma en la que la fotografía, el cine, la literatura, la música, la publicidad y la moda, ven y se comunican a través de la comida.

Cada número de Haute Food está dedicado a un tema específico y reúne material de archivo  así como obra y trabajo original de artistas invitados. Este número fue creado especialmente para el proyecto.

Haute Food fue fundado en 2010 y es curado con amor por Mara Corsino, en colaboración con diferentes  artistas y contribuidores.

Instagram HF

Instagram MC
