Meditations on Food and Time ♨️

Is not an online exhibition, but rather a collection of images, thoughts, ideas, recipes, videos and references gathered in collaboration with people whose work, practice and vision- I share, love or admire. Enjoy.

Catalina Lozano, Cerveza de Jengibre

Catalina Lozano, Cerveza de Jengibre

Catalina Lozano, Cerveza de Jengibre

Catalina Lozano was born in Bogotá and lives in Mexico City. She is an independent curator and Director of Programs in Latin America at Kadist Foundation. Her focuses on minor narratives that question hegemonic forms of knowledge. The analysis of colonial narratives,  as well as the deconstruction of the modern division between nature and culture, have acted as key departure points for many of her recent and future curatorial and editorial projects.

Catalina Lozano nació en Bogotá y vive en la Ciudad de México. Es curadora independiente y directora de proyectos en Latinoamérica de la Fundación Kadist. Su trabajo tiene que ver con relatos menores que cuestionan formas hegemónicas de conocimiento. El análisis de narrativas coloniales y la deconstrucción de la división moderna entre naturaleza y cultura, han sido puntos de partida clave para muchos de sus proyectos curatoriales y editoriales recientes y futuros.


